Summer Student Internship – Ages 12-15

Paint, glue, clay, watercolor…Do these words inspire you to get “your art on?” Are you always doodling or dabbling? Does seeing an artist at work pique your interest in a new technique? Would seeing how an art studio works intrigue you? If you answered yes to any of these questions and are between the ages of 12-15, we have a creative opportunity for you at TR Makers Co!

TR Makers Co. is accepting applications for student interns ages 12-15 who have an interest in using their skills during our summer arts programming. Responsibilities include (but are not limited to) helping prepare project samples, preparing materials for camper projects, encouraging younger students to grow their creativity, guiding campers to successful completion of their projects, and discovering how a functioning art studio has to stay organized. 

We ask that interns commit to a minimum of 3 days a week: one day to assist with class preparation (your choice of M, T or W 11a-3p) and two days to assist at student camp – Th and Fri from 8:45a-12:45p for at least 2 weeks spread throughout the summer. 

Each interested student must complete and submit an application form, which includes a $25.00 application fee and at least 1 teacher or mentor recommendation. After receiving your completed application, students will be asked to select an interview time on either Saturday, April 26th or Sunday, April 27th. If chosen to be a part of the program, student interns will also complete a 2 hr training session on Tuesday, May 13th from 4-6p. 

At the end of the summer, student interns will be invited to participate in a specially designed Play Date as our thank you for their hard work. At the conclusion of fulfilled service, TR Makers Co. will be glad to sign any forms that recognize your internship as community service, volunteer hours, or pre-employment requirements. As a group, student interns will be recognized for their contribution to our summer programming on our social media platforms. 

So come “get your art on” and immerse yourself in the creative opportunities at TR Makers Co!

Applications will be accepted through April 18, 2025.

Use these Quicklinks to learn more!


Teacher/Mentor Recommendation Submission

Ask a teacher or mentor (not a family member) to write a short paragraph of recommendation for you. The paragraph can be emailed to with Student Internship and your name in the subject line. Recommendations should be submitted by April 18, 2025.

Application Fee