Follow the journey of Carl Sandburg and discover how the son of Swedish immigrants, who traveled for a time as a hobo on the newly-built railroads of his day, embraced the common language of the American working class and branched out into his own style of writing, eventually becoming the Poet of the People. In this class you’ll create an illustration for one of Sandburg’s poems and write your own poem for optional submission in the annual Carl Sandburg poetry contest.
During this half day class each student will receive a course booklet to help with our exploration of this subject and creation of our artwork. As students leave, they will be taking with them their finished masterpiece(s), booklet and resources to continue exploring this topic at home!
Dates for In Studio:
- Friday, March 26 Juniors (ages 11-16) – Afternoon Session 1p-4p
Dates for Virtual Simulcast Participation:
- Friday, March 26 Juniors (ages 11-16) – Afternoon Session 1p-4p
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